USA – Directory of Humanistic Jewish Communities
This page is designed to be a directory of communities and organizations associated with the broader movement of Humanistic Judaism, including both affiliated and independent communities. Inclusion on this list is based on how the communities describe themselves online. This list is a work in progress, so if I am missing a group, please contact me.
For this directory, the following symbols are used to indicate affiliations: Please also note that online-only/international communities are found in the directory here.
- Alabama
- Or Hadash (Birmingham)
- Arizona
- Or Adam Congregation for Humanistic Judaism (Scottsdale)
- Secular Humanist Jewish Circle (Tucson)
- California
- Tri-Valley Cultural Jews (Pleasanton)
- Pacific Community of Cultural Jews (Buena Park)
- The Sholem Community of Los Angeles
- Adat Chaverim, Congregation for Humanistic Judaism (Encino)
- Kol Hadash, Northern California Congregation for Humanistic Judaism (Berkely)
- Pacific Community of Cultural Jews (Irvine)
- Bay Area Jewish Social Club
- Colorado
- Connecticut
- Congregation for Humanistic Judaism, (Fairfield County)
- District of Columbia
- Florida
- Illinois
- Beth Chaverim Humanistic Jewish Community (Deerfield/Chicagoland)
- Kol Hadash Humanistic Congregation (Deerfield/Chicagoland)
- Secular Jewish Community and School (Chicago)
- Maryland
- Massachusets
- Kahal B’raira (Cambridge)
- Michigan
- Minnesota
- Or Emet, Minnesota Congregation for Humanistic Judaism (St Louis Park)
- Missouri
- Gateway Community of Humanistic Judaism (St. Louis Metro)
- New Jersey
- Kahal Chaverim: NJ Congregation for Humanistic Judaism (Mt. Freedom)
- South Jersey Secular Jews (Cherry Hill)
- New York
- Beth Haskalah, Rochester Society for Humanistic Judaism
- The City Congregation for Humanistic Judaism (Manhattan, NYC)
- Westchester Community for Humanistic Judaism
- Humanist Jewish Congregation of Queens (Queens, NYC)
- North Carolina
- Kol Haskalah (Chapel Hill)
- Jewish Secular Community of Asheville
- Ohio
- Jewish Secular Community (Cleveland)
- Congregation Beth Adam (Loveland)
- Oregon
- Pennsylvania
- Folkshul (Philadelphia)
- Philadephia Secular Jewish Organization
- Washington