Humanistic – SHJ

LOGO: Society for Humanistic Judaism

Preparation Process: A series of self-study (there is a recommended reading list provided)

Ritual Requirements: None, but many choose to engage in optional rituals to mark the occasion, such as visiting a mikveh.

Certificate: Yes, signed by the denominational Rabbi of the SHJ

Costs: There is no charge for the process, but membership in the SHJ is required ($95 cost). Most students will also buy some books if they can’t find them in a library in their area or online.

Can this program be done online?: Yes

Is this program bi-religious friendly? Yes! (see the article “Healing through Adopting Humanistic Judaism” in the Summer 2023 issue of Humanistic Judaism.)

In what movements will this conversion be accepted?:

  • Humanistic: Yes
  • Reform: Yes (see CCAR responsa)
  • Reconstructing Judaism: Yes (see RRA resolution)
  • Renewal: Likely Yes
  • Conservative/Masorti: Possibly, if certain rituals like Bet Din and Mikveh also took place. (see RA responsa).
  • Orthodox: No
  • Post-Denominational: Varies

For a more detailed discussion, see: “Will my Humanistic Jewish Conversion be accepted in other Jewish movements” by James M. Branum

Notes/Comments: This is the conversion path that the editor of this website used.