Reform Movement (UK) Conversion Program

LOGO: The movement for Reform Judaism (UK)

Preparation Process: The Reform movement in the UK requires a 12-18 month conversion process which includes participation in a synagogue, completion of a study program (either in class or private study with a rabbi, depending on your synagogue), active involvement in a synagogue, developing basic Hebrew language skills, and demonstrating Jewish observance in a home context.

Ritual Requirements: Reform converts in the UK will appear before a Bet Din. Male converts are required to be circumcised or to undergo the hatafat dam brit ritual, but exceptions can be made for health reasons. 1

Costs: £350 for the bet din, plus any costs for the class.

Can this program be done online: Unknown

Is this program bi-religious friendly? No

In what movements will this conversion be accepted?:

  • Humanistic: Yes
  • Reform: Yes
  • Reconstructing Judaism: Yes
  • Renewal: Yes
  • Conservative/Masorti: Possibly, assuming that rituals such as Bet Din and Mikveh were done.
  • Orthodox: No
  • Post-Denominational: Likely yes

Notes/Comments: More details on the Reform movement (UK)’s process of conversion can be found here.

  1. For discussion of the issues regarding circumcision for transgender men and transmasculine people, see this article from Svara.