Liberal Movement (UK) – Conversion Program

Preparation Process: The Liberal movement in the UK requires a 15-month conversion process which includes participation in a synagogue and completion of an Introduction to Judaism class, culminated by the writing of essays.
Ritual Requirements: Liberal converts will appear before a Bet Din. Converts are strongly encouraged to visit the mikveh. Male converts are strongly encouraged (but not required to be circumcised or to undergo the hatafat dam brit ritual. 1
Costs: Unknown.
Can this program be done online: No
Is this program bi-religious friendly? No
In what movements will this conversion be accepted?:
- Humanistic: Yes
- Reform: Yes
- Reconstructing Judaism: Yes
- Renewal: Yes
- Conservative/Masorti: Possibly, assuming that rituals such as Bet Din and Mikveh were done.
- Orthodox: No
- Post-Denominational: Likely yes
Notes/Comments: More details on the Liberal movement’s process of conversion can be found here.
- For discussion of the issues regarding circumcision for transgender men and transmasculine people, see this article from Svara.